Is Hair Transplant Permanent?

hair transplant

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure to move hair from one part of the body to another. The most common type of hair transplant is performed in areas of baldness. This is called follicular unit extraction (FUE) or strip harvesting.

The main purpose of a hair transplant in Delhi NCR is to restore hair to an area on your head that has lost its natural growth because of male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness.

The procedure involves harvesting healthy hair from one part of the head and transferring it to another area in need.

Hair transplantation is not permanent because you will lose your transplanted hair over time. The transplanted hair is attached permanently to your scalp but not to the follicles within your scalp. Over time, these follicles will die and become inactive.

Therefore, it is important to understand that the transplanted hairs need a constant supply of nutrients from your body in order to grow and survive. If this supply of nutrients is interrupted, then they will fall out just like any other natural hair on your head would fall out if its roots were damaged or destroyed by disease or trauma.

The transplanted hairs will last as long as your other hair. So if you have lost all your hair and get a transplant, then the transplanted hairs will grow until they fall out, just like your own hair would have done if it wasn’t lost.

The only difference is that when these hairs fall out, they will be replaced with new ones. The same applies if you have thinning hair—the newly transplanted hairs will fall out when they become too thin and will be replaced by new ones.

Types Of Hair Transplants

Hair transplant surgery isn’t considered a permanent solution for baldness because transplanted hair falls out over time due to hormonal changes in both men and women — specifically testosterone levels — which affect hair growth patterns.

Hair transplant surgery involves moving healthy hair from one part of your body and grafting it onto bald or thinning areas on your scalp. The procedure can be done in a number of ways, including:

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation):

This is the most common method used to transplant hair. The donor area is shaved and a strip of skin is removed from the back of your head. The surgeon then dissects individual follicles (hair) from the donor area and implants them into tiny incisions in the balding area of the scalp, which heals by itself.

Follicular unit extraction (FUE):

During this method, individual follicles are extracted from the donor area (such as the back or sides of your head) and transplanted into small holes that have been punched into the bald area on your scalp.

Strip Harvesting:

During this method, a strip of tissue containing many follicles is removed from the back or sides of your scalp. The strip is then dissected into individual follicles and transplanted into small holes that have been punched into the bald area on your scalp.

Expectations And Recovery Of Hair Transplant

The main objective of hair transplant surgery is to restore fullness and thickness to bald or thinning areas of the scalp. The procedure can be performed on both men and women, although it is more common among men.

Most patients seek a permanent solution for their hair loss problem. Hair transplantation can be permanent if done correctly.

This means that once you have undergone the procedure, you will not need any additional treatment in the future. However, there are some factors that affect the longevity of your results.

Expectations: You should expect to see an improvement in your hair density within 6 months after undergoing the procedure.

Your new hair will continue to grow over time until it reaches its maximum length after two years or so (about 12 inches).

You may also notice that some bald spots start filling up with natural-looking hairs in about one year after surgery, but this may take longer if you received treatment for advanced stages of male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness.

Recovery: Hair transplants are typically performed under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia as needed by your doctor.

The procedure itself takes approximately two hours, depending on how many grafts are being transplanted and how much work needs to be done.

You’ll need time off work after surgery until you have had time to heal from the procedure, but most patients return to work within 2-3 days after their transplant surgery has been completed.

Factors Influencing How Long A Hair Transplant Lasts

Hair transplants are becoming a popular option for those who suffer from male pattern baldness or other types of hair loss.

While this can help give you more confidence in your appearance, there are several factors that affect how long a hair transplant lasts.

Quality Of The Donor Site:

If the donor site is damaged or scarred because of previous surgeries, this can affect how long the new hair will grow back. This is one reason why we always recommend using healthy areas for grafts in our patients.

Quality Of The Recipient Site:

If there is scarring in the recipient site after surgery, this could also affect how long the new hair grows back. We always recommend treating any scarring before performing a hair transplant so that we can achieve optimal results for our patients.

How Good Was The Procedure Done:
How well the transplanted hairs were placed into your scalp (the more natural it looks, the better).

Care Received:

The quality of care you receive after the procedure (for example, if you shampoo too harshly, some transplanted hairs may be pulled out). If you smoke and drink excessively or become ill then the outcome of your procedure could be compromised.


Hair transplants are permanent, but they are not permanent in the sense that they will not grow out.

The hairs that are transplanted will grow out as your own hair would. Because they are implanted in a different area of the scalp than where they came from, the growth rate may be affected by the distance from your scalp to the follicle.

The hair will continue to grow, fall out and regrow again just like any other hair on your head. The only difference is that you will now have a full head of hair instead of a bald spot!

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