How to interact with core users and normal users in App development?

Definite and find out core users

The definition of core users in types of different app and stages of different app, is different of each other. That is to say, the core user does not have a precise definition. However, we can roughly definite the core users by the most core target user group which can bring astonishing benefits to product. Usually, this core user group will greatly help development of app with a large scale of profitability.

This phenomenon is extremely prominent in gaming apps. Honestly, the main income of the gaming app is exactly purchased from users buying the props and having a good gaming experience. Here is a tip you should know, according to the research, the main contributors of the gaming app in the purchase are a small amount with more than too many million USD, such as PUBG Mobile by Tencent.  

Of course, it is only a sample. However, I think it would make sense for you to find your core users out. That sample show us that making a standard to analyze users’ contribution data in finding core users, is surely what you need to do next. Speaking of gaming app, this standard would be purchase contribution without any doubt, as for other apps such as video channel platform similar to YouTube, the standard would be quality of video content. Regarding both samples, we can clearly observe that making analyzing standard depends on the app development orientation. In view of this, make sure of your app development orientation.

Make strategies or rules which benefit core users

Firstly, the goals and strategies must be clear and logical. To better understand what the logical strategies are, I like to take a sample of gaming App: the core users can get high points and these points can be used to exchange the gifts which can satisfy majority of core users, because the core users’ satisfaction can bring more benefits to the product with revenue. So, if the strategies are not logical, think well first before you start hastily doing it, because the logical strategies in making rules rewarding core users will make them feel fairness whenever they purchase the game, and also, they will feel their privilege which will encourage them to continuously purchase the game.

Interaction with normal users

At last paragraph, I talked about making strategies for core users, with regard to that content we may think that core users are the actual users compared with normal users. Actually, if you think so, you are totally wrong, the normal users of course are also important for the app. Because the normal users are considered potential core users, and they may become core users one day. Let’s look back at the conclusion of core users’ definition by making a standard that we got at first paragraph, however, reaching the standard needs time. So, do not ignore the normal users as well.

Browse comments on App Store

Having a good reputation on App Store also helps you promote your app. So, regularly browsing users’ comments on App Store, and answering their questions will help you get a good reputation. In another Hand, view interaction with people whom commented about your app, it may make them installing your app, once you wrote to them by every single answer.

Therefore, don’t ignore any single comment from your users, and help them as best you can, even though it is not related to your app (For example, right now Google Play Store App is not pre-installed on Huawei and Honor Smartphone, and you saw one of your users’ comment about it; in this case you can direct him with a detailed tutorial of Google Play Store App Installation).

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Hi, I’m JJ Goh a writer from Hihonor Community. I would like to write some informative articles about Technology, Economics, App Development, World news and other hot topic contents. Thanks for reading!

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