What Causes Sudden High Blood Pressure in Indians?

high Blood Pressure

Non-communicable diseases account for over 63% of deaths in India, with 27% attributed to cardiovascular diseases, affecting 45% of those aged 40 to 69. High blood pressure is one of the most significant risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. Furthermore, it is still poorly controlled due to a lack of understanding about hypertension, inadequate care through primary care, and a lack of follow-up.

Hypertension, or high Blood Pressure, can put a patient at risk for stroke and heart disease. Keeping this in mind, recognizing the reasons for sudden high blood pressure can help you avoid medical emergencies resulting from the condition.

How is high BP diagnosed?

Blood pressure readings are divided into two parts: systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure.

Systolic blood pressure: This is the initial value; it measures the pressure within your arteries (blood vessels that transport oxygenated blood from your heart to other areas of your body) while your heart beats.

Diastolic blood pressure: The second number measures pressure within the arteries when your heart is at rest between beats.

Normal blood pressure: 120 mmHg/80 mmHg or less.

Elevated blood pressure: Systolic pressures range between 120 and 129 mmHg, whereas diastolic pressures are less than 80 mmHg.

High blood pressure (stage 1): The systolic levels are between 130 and 139 mmHg, whereas the diastolic values are between 80 and 89 mmHg.

High blood pressure (stage 2): The systolic pressure is 140 mmHg or higher, and the diastolic pressure is 90 mmHg or higher.

Hypertensive crisis: The systolic and/or diastolic pressures are greater than 180 mmHg.

When you are at home, how do you monitor your blood pressure (BP)?

There are various simple blood pressure monitors like our Omron BP Monitor that may be used at home to measure blood pressure. Generally, India has two types of blood pressure monitors:

Manual BP monitors: These devices feature a cuff that wraps over your upper arm, a rubber squeeze bulb to inflate it manually, and a gauge that measures blood pressure and displays it as a rise or falls in the mercury column. A stethoscope is utilized – Krokoff sounds are produced when a blood pressure cuff modulates blood flow through the artery. They produce reliable results when used correctly. They cost less than digital blood pressure monitors but must be trained well to operate.

Digital BP monitors: They have a little screen that displays your blood pressure and pulse rate. They also have an error indicator. Cuffs that inflate and deflate automatically make them easier to operate than manual BP monitors. Body movements and irregular heartbeats influence the accuracy of the results. As a result, they must be used correctly.

Men’s blood pressure vs women’s blood pressure Normal Blood Pressure (BP) for Men

120/80 is typical, but it varies from person to person. It is essential to consult your doctor to determine your average blood pressure range. Athletes’ blood pressure can be lower because their circulatory system is more efficient and pumps a more significant amount of blood with less effort.

Normal Blood Pressure (BP) for Women

It has been discovered that women’s blood pressure might fluctuate due to factors such as menopause and pregnancy. Furthermore, studies have indicated that birth control pills might induce variations in women’s blood pressure.

Normal Blood Pressure (BP) for Women During Pregnancy

Even when pregnant, normal blood pressure should be in the 90-120 systolic and 60-80 diastolic range. Blood pressure variations, on the other hand, are frequent throughout pregnancy. Get a blood pressure monitor and talk to your doctor about managing your blood pressure as it rises. The goal range of blood pressure may differ for various people; discuss this with your doctor and strive to keep your BP within the suggested range.

Normal Blood Pressure (BP) for Women during Pregnancy

Even when pregnant, normal blood pressure should be in the 90-120 systolic and 60-80 diastolic range. Blood pressure variations, on the other hand, are frequent throughout pregnancy. Get a blood pressure monitor and talk to your doctor about managing your blood pressure as it rises. The goal range of blood pressure may differ for various people; discuss this with your doctor and strive to keep your BP within the suggested range.

What causes a Sudden Increase in Blood Pressure?

The causes of unexpectedly high blood pressure can be habits, traits, or various diseases. They are as follows:

End-stage kidney disease – It is a medical condition in which both kidneys cease working, and the body retains water.

Aldosteronism – This medical disease occurs due to excessive aldosterone secretion (a hormone that regulates the balance of sodium and potassium). Aldosterone results in potassium, sodium, and water imbalance.

Thyroid Disease – It occurs as a result of an under-functioning or over-functioning thyroid gland, which is required to produce thyroid hormones, which aid in the maintenance of the body’s metabolism. It would be much simpler for you to maintain the parameters if you grasp what causes and risk factors are associated with hypertension.

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